Many players requested more options for the customization of their playthroughs, and, finally, CD Projekt RED, met them with the implementation of their requests!
A lot of additional graphical settings and visual options have been introduced to the game on the Switch.
The developers were generous and even introduced a cross-save system for the game – Players can now integrate different save files from GOG and Steam, only if mods have not been installed.
The announcement of the new update comes straight from CD Projekt RED: “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition for Nintendo Switch has just received a brand new update.
The official patch notes were released, and they are overwhelming.
However, the fans’ reactions were even more impressive – Everybody was pleased to see what the new update brought, and many people also wrote public messages of appreciation to CD Projekt RED, which, to be honest, they deserve, for caring so much about fans.