Pokemon Go On Nintendo Switch Could be on the Way

Gamers and Nintendo fans are always ready to try the new releases on the market. Sometimes, it is hard to wait for launches, so they are willing to participate at any live streaming event that presents new games and entertainment possibilities. This week, Nintendo gamers might have the opportunity to take part at a new live event hosted by the game developer. Better known as Nintendo Direct, this event takes place with the main purpose of announcing new games and it also includes announcements made by Nintendo partners. The latest live streaming event took place in January and revealed amazing games, so now gamers are waiting anxiously for the next one.

When will the next Nintendo Direct event happen and what will it be about?

The next important Nintendo Direct event will happen very soon, on the 8th of March 2018. The organizers have something special prepared for their devoted gamers, so they are inviting everyone to participate in this event.

The most expected news in the area concerns Pokemon fans. They are waiting forward to see if the event is connected with the rumored launch of RPG, which it could happen this year. Another speculation is connected with the show of the trailer for Metroid Prime 4; this game is also awaited by Nintendo fans.

Although the Nintendo Direct is already considered certain to happen on the 8th of March, the developer hasn’t confirmed anything connected with the event yet. The official announcement could come out any time now, since the timing is perfectly chosen if the company wants to start teasing new games before starting the second half of 2018.

With all the mystery, Nintendo fans have heard some news and they are waiting to see if the developer will reach their expectations and present some information on what they are bringing new on the gaming market. If you are interested in this area also, watch the event and see the news before others hear about it.

Dan has been playing video games since he was a child. No wonder he made a career out of it! Dan attended a technical school where he learned the basis of creating video games. He enjoys covering the latest news in the tech industry.
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